Source code for revscoring.datasources.meta.selectors

These meta-datasources operate on :class:`revscoring.Datasource`'s that return
a flat `dict` of key-value pairs (aka a "table") and filter ("select") keys
and/or weight values.

.. autoclass:: revscoring.datasources.meta.selectors.tfidf

.. autoclass:: revscoring.datasources.meta.selectors.filter_keys


from collections import defaultdict
from math import log

from ..datasource import Datasource

[docs]class tfidf(Datasource): """ Selects a subset of a frequency table based on term utility and applies TF-iDF weighting. :Parameters: table_datasource : :class:`revscoring.Datasource` A datasource that generates a dict of term frequency counts max_terms : `int` The maximum number of terms that will be selected. The terms with the highest proportional representation in a label class are selected. weight : `bool` Should TF-iDF weighting be applied to output counts? boolean : `bool` Normalize counts to 0 (not in document) and 1 (in document). Note that negative frequencies will be converted to -1. name : `str` A name for the datasource. """ def __init__(self, table_datasource, max_terms=None, weight=True, boolean=False, name=None): name = self._format_name( name, [table_datasource, max_terms, weight, boolean]) super().__init__(name, self.process, depends_on=[table_datasource]) self.max_terms = int(max_terms) if max_terms is not None else None self.weight = weight self.boolean = boolean def fit(self, value_labels): # Count up document frequencies and label frequencies self.document_freq = defaultdict(lambda: 0) self.document_n = 0 label_freq = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: 0)) label_n = defaultdict(lambda: 0) for values, label in value_labels: table = values[0] self.document_n += 1 label_n[label] += 1 for term, freq in table.items(): if self.boolean: freq = 1 if freq > 0 else -1 self.document_freq[term] += freq label_freq[label][term] += freq # Select terms if self.max_terms is not None: self.document_freq = \ self._select_terms(label_freq, label_n) def _select_terms(self, label_freq, label_n): term_utilities = [] for label, table in label_freq.items(): for term, label_freq in table.items(): utility = term_utility( label_freq, label_n[label], self.document_freq[term], self.document_n) term_utilities.append((abs(utility), term, label)) term_utilities.sort(reverse=True) new_document_freq = {} while len(new_document_freq) < self.max_terms and \ len(term_utilities) > 0: _, term, _ = term_utilities.pop(0) new_document_freq[term] = self.document_freq[term] return new_document_freq def keys(self): return self.document_freq.keys() def process(self, table): new_table = {} for term, freq in table.items(): if self.boolean: freq = 1 if freq > 0 else -1 if term in self.document_freq: if self.weight: new_table[term] = \ freq * log(self.document_n / max(self.document_freq[term], 1)) else: new_table[term] = freq return new_table
def term_utility(label_freq, label_n, document_freq, document_n): within_label_prop = label_freq / label_n extra_label_prop = (document_freq - label_freq) / (document_n - label_n) return within_label_prop / max(extra_label_prop, 0.001)
[docs]class filter_keys(Datasource): """ Selects a subset of features (key/values) based a set of keys. :Parameters: table_datasource : :class:`revscoring.Datasource` A datasource that generates a table including only the specified keys keys : `iterable` ( `hashable` ) The keys to select from the table name : `str` A name for the datasource. """ def __init__(self, table_datasource, keys, name=None): name = self._format_name( name, [table_datasource, keys]) super().__init__(name, self.process, depends_on=[table_datasource]) self.keys = set(keys) def process(self, table): new_table = {} for key in self.keys: if key in table: new_table[key] = table[key] return new_table