Source code for revscoring.dependencies.functions

The following functions provide a set of utilities for working with `Dependent`
and collections of `Dependent`.

* :func:`~revscoring.dependencies.solve` provides basic dependency solving
* :func:`~revscoring.dependencies.expand` provides minimal expansion of
  dependency trees
* :func:`~revscoring.dependencies.dig` provides expansion of "root" dependents
  -- dependents with no dependencies of their own
* :func:`~revscoring.dependencies.draw` provides a means to print a dependency
  tree to the terminal (useful when debugging)

.. autofunction:: revscoring.dependencies.solve
.. autofunction:: revscoring.dependencies.expand
.. autofunction:: revscoring.dependencies.dig
.. autofunction:: revscoring.dependencies.draw

import logging
import time
import traceback

from ..errors import CaughtDependencyError, DependencyError, DependencyLoop

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def solve(dependents, context=None, cache=None, profile=None): """ Calculates a dependent's value by solving dependencies. :Parameters: dependents : :class:`revscoring.Dependent` | `iterable` A dependent or collection of dependents to solve context : `dict` | `iterable` A mapping of injected dependency processers to use as context. Can be specified as a set of new :class:`revscoring.Dependent` or a map of :class:`revscoring.Dependent` pairs. cache : `dict` A cache of previously solved dependencies as :class:`revscoring.Dependent`:`<value>` pairs profile : `dict` A mapping of :class:`revscoring.Dependent` to `list` of process durations for generating the value. The provided `dict` will be modified in-place and new durations will be appended. :Returns: The result of executing the dependents with all dependencies resolved. If a single dependent is provided, the value will be returned. If a collection of dependents is provided, a generator of values will be returned """ cache = cache if cache is not None else {} context = normalize_context(context) if hasattr(dependents, '__iter__'): # Multiple values -- return a generator return _solve_many(dependents, context=context, cache=cache, profile=profile) else: # Singular value -- return it's solution dependent = dependents value, _, _ = _solve(dependent, context=context, cache=cache, profile=profile) return value
[docs]def expand(dependents, context=None, cache=None): """ Calculates a dependent's value by solving dependencies. :Parameters: dependents : :class:`revscoring.Dependent` | `iterable` A dependent or collection of dependents to solve context : `dict` | `iterable` A mapping of injected dependency processers to use as context. Can be specified as a set of new :class:`revscoring.Dependent` or a map of :class:`revscoring.Dependent` pairs. cache : `dict` A cache of previously solved dependencies as `Dependent`:`<value>` pairs :Returns: A generator over all dependents in the dependency tree with each dependent occurring only once """ cache = set(cache or []) context = normalize_context(context) if hasattr(dependents, '__iter__'): # Multiple values return _expand_many(dependents, context, cache) else: # Singular value dependent = dependents return _expand(dependent, context, cache)
[docs]def draw(dependent, context=None, cache=None, depth=0): """ Returns a string representation of the the dependency tree for a single :class:`revscoring.Dependent`. :Parameters: dependent : :class:`revscoring.Dependent` The dependent to draw the dependencies for. context : `dict` | `iterable` A mapping of injected dependency processers to use as context. Can be specified as a set of :class:`revscoring.Dependent` or a map of :class:`revscoring.Dependent` pairs. cache : `dict` | `set` A cache of previously solved dependencies as `Dependent`:`<value>` pairs. When these items are reached while scanning the tree, "CACHED" will be printed. :Returns: None """ return "\n".join(draw_lines(dependent, context, cache, depth)) + "\n"
def draw_lines(dependent, context, cache, depth): cache = cache or {} context = normalize_context(context) if dependent in cache: yield "\t" * depth + " - " + repr(dependent) + " CACHED" else: if dependent in context: dependent = context[dependent] yield "\t" * depth + " - " + repr(dependent) # Check if we're a dependent with explicit dependencies if hasattr(dependent, "dependencies"): for dependency in dependent.dependencies: yield from draw_lines(dependency, context, cache, depth + 1)
[docs]def dig(dependents, context=None, cache=None): """ Expands root dependencies. These are dependents at the bottom of the tree -- :class:`revscoring.Dependent` with no dependencies of their own. :Parameters: dependents : :class:`revscoring.Dependent` | `iterable` A dependent or collection of dependents to scan context : `dict` | `iterable` A mapping of injected dependency processers to use as context. Can be specified as a set of new :class:`revscoring.Dependent` or a map of :class:`revscoring.Dependent` pairs. cache : `dict` | `set` A cache of previously solved dependencies to not scan beneath :Returns: A generator over root dependencies """ cache = set(cache or []) context = normalize_context(context) if hasattr(dependents, '__iter__'): # Multiple values return _dig_many(dependents, context, cache) else: # Singular value dependent = dependents return _dig(dependent, context, cache)
def normalize_context(context): """ Normalizes a context argument. This allows for context to be specified either as a collection of contextual :class:`revscoring.Dependent` or a `dict` of :class:`revscoring.Dependent` pairs. """ if context is None: return {} elif isinstance(context, dict): return context elif hasattr(context, "__iter__"): return {d: d for d in context} else: raise TypeError("'context' is not a dict or iterable: {0}" .format(str(context))) def _solve(dependent, context, cache, history=None, profile=None): history = history or set() # Check if we've already got a value for this dependency if dependent in cache: return cache[dependent], cache, history # Check if a corresponding dependent was injected into the context else: # If a dependent is in context here, replace it. if dependent in context: dependent = context[dependent] # Check if the dependency is callable. if not callable(dependent): raise RuntimeError("Can't solve dependency " + repr(dependent) + ". " + type(dependent).__name__ + " is not callable.") # Check if we're in a loop. elif dependent in history: raise DependencyLoop("Dependency loop detected at " + repr(dependent)) # All is good. Time to generate a value else: # Add to history so we can detect any loops on the way down. history.add(dependent) # Check if we're a dependent with explicit dependencies if hasattr(dependent, "dependencies"): dependencies = dependent.dependencies else: # No dependencies? OK. Let's try that. dependencies = [] # Generate args for process function from dependencies (if any) args = [] for dependency in dependencies: value, cache, history = _solve(dependency, context=context, cache=cache, history=history, profile=profile) args.append(value) # Generate value try: start = time.time() value = dependent(*args) duration = time.time() - start if profile is not None: if dependent in profile: profile[dependent].append(duration) else: profile[dependent] = [duration] except DependencyError as e: raise except Exception as e: message = "Failed to process {0}: {1}".format(dependent, e) tb = traceback.extract_stack() formatted_exception = traceback.format_exc() raise CaughtDependencyError(message, e, tb, formatted_exception) # Add value to cache cache[dependent] = value return cache[dependent], cache, history def _solve_many(dependents, context, cache, profile=None): for dependent in dependents: value, cache, history = _solve(dependent, context=context, cache=cache, profile=profile) yield value def _expand(dependent, context, cache): if dependent not in cache: yield dependent cache.add(dependent) if hasattr(dependent, "dependencies"): yield from _expand_many(dependent.dependencies, context, cache) def _expand_many(dependents, context, cache): for dependent in dependents: yield from _expand(dependent, context, cache) def _dig(dependent, context, cache): if hasattr(dependent, "dependencies"): if len(dependent.dependencies) > 0: yield from _dig_many(dependent.dependencies, context, cache) else: yield dependent else: yield dependent def _dig_many(dependents, context, cache): for dependent in dependents: if dependent not in cache: if dependent in context: # Use contextual dependency dependent = context[dependent] cache.add(dependent) yield from _dig(dependent, context, cache)