Source code for revscoring.features.bytes.revision_oriented

from revscoring.datasources import revision_oriented
from revscoring.dependencies import DependentSet

from ..meta import aggregators
from . import datasources

name = "bytes.revision"

[docs]class Revision(DependentSet): def __init__(self, name, revision_datasources): super().__init__(name) self.length = aggregators.len( revision_datasources.bytes, name=name + ".length" ) "`int` : The length of the revision content in bytes" if hasattr(revision_datasources, "parent"): self.parent = Revision( name + ".parent", revision_datasources.parent ) """ :class:`revscoring.features.bytes.Revision` : The parent (aka "previous") revision of the page. """
revision = Revision(name, datasources.Revision(name, revision_oriented.revision)) """ Represents the base revision of interest. Implements this a basic structure: * revision: :class:`~revscoring.features.bytes.Revision` * parent: :class:`~revscoring.features.bytes.Revision` """