Source code for revscoring.features.feature

.. autoclass:: revscoring.Feature

.. autoclass:: revscoring.features.Modifier

.. autoclass:: revscoring.features.Constant
from math import log as math_log

from revscoring.dependencies import Dependent

# Sets up refences to overloaded function names
math_max = max
math_min = min

[docs]class Feature(Dependent): """ Represents a predictive feature. :Parameters: name : str The name of the feature process : `func` A function that will generate a feature value return_type : `type` A type to compare the return of this function to. dependencies : `list`(`hashable`) An ordered list of dependencies that correspond to the `*args` of `process` """ def __init__(self, name, process=None, *, returns=None, depends_on=None): super().__init__(name, process, depends_on) self.returns = returns def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): value = super().__call__(*args, **kwargs) if __debug__: return self.validate(value) else: return value def __hash__(self): return hash('feature.' + def __str__(self): return "feature." + # Binary math def __add__(self, summand): return add(self, summand) def __sub__(self, subband): return sub(self, subband) def __truediv__(self, divisor): return div(self, divisor) def __mul__(self, multiplier): return mul(self, multiplier) # Comparison def __lt__(self, other): return lt(self, other) def __le__(self, other): return le(self, other) def __eq__(self, other): return eq(self, other) def __ne__(self, other): return ne(self, other) def __gt__(self, other): return gt(self, other) def __ge__(self, other): return ge(self, other) # Boolean operators def and_(self, other): return and_(self, other) def or_(self, other): return or_(self, other) def not_(self): return not_(self) def validate(self, value): if isinstance(value, self.returns): return value else: raise ValueError("Expected {0}, but got {1} instead." .format(self.returns, type(value))) @classmethod def or_constant(self, val): if isinstance(val, Feature): return val else: return Constant(val)
[docs]class Constant(Feature): """ A special sub-type of `revscoring.Feature` that returns a constant value. :Parameters: value : `mixed` Any type of potential feature value name : `str` A name to give the feature """ def __init__(self, value, name=None): self.value = value if name is None: name = str(value) super().__init__(name, self._process, returns=type(value), depends_on=[]) def _process(self): return self.value
[docs]class Modifier(Feature): """ Represents a modification of one or more predictive feature. :Parameters: name : str The name of the feature process : `func` A function that will generate a feature value return_type : `type` A type to compare the return of this function to. dependencies : `list`(`hashable`) An ordered list of dependencies that correspond to the `*args` of `process` """ pass
class BinaryOperator(Modifier): CHAR = "?" def __init__(self, left, right, returns=None, name=None): left = Feature.or_constant(left) right = Feature.or_constant(right) if name is None: name = "({0} {1} {2})".format(, self.CHAR, if returns is None: returns = type(self.operate(left.returns(), right.returns())) super().__init__(name, self.operate, returns=returns, depends_on=[left, right]) def operate(self, left, right): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class add(BinaryOperator): """ Generates a feature that represents the addition of two :class:`revscoring.Feature` or constant values. """ CHAR = "+" def operate(self, left, right): return left + right
[docs]class sub(BinaryOperator): """ Generates a feature that represents the subtraction of two :class:`revscoring.Feature` or constant values. """ CHAR = "-" def operate(self, left, right): return left - right
[docs]class mul(BinaryOperator): """ Generates a feature that represents the multiplacation of two :class:`revscoring.Feature` or constant values. """ CHAR = "*" def operate(self, left, right): return left * right
[docs]class div(BinaryOperator): """ Generates a feature that represents the division of two :class:`revscoring.Feature` or constant values. """ CHAR = "/" def __init__(self, left, right, name=None): # Explicitly setting return type to float. super().__init__(left, right, returns=float, name=name) def operate(self, left, right): return left / right
class Comparison(BinaryOperator): def __init__(self, left, right, name=None): # Explicitly setting return type to boolean. super().__init__(left, right, returns=bool, name=name)
[docs]class gt(Comparison): """ Generates a feature that represents the greater-than relationship of two :class:`revscoring.Feature` or constant values. """ CHAR = ">" def operate(self, left, right): return left > right
[docs]class lt(Comparison): """ Generates a feature that represents the less-than relationship of two :class:`revscoring.Feature` or constant values. """ CHAR = "<" def operate(self, left, right): return left < right
[docs]class ge(Comparison): """ Generates a feature that represents the greater-than-or-equal relationship of two :class:`revscoring.Feature` or constant values. """ CHAR = ">=" def operate(self, left, right): return left >= right
[docs]class le(Comparison): """ Generates a feature that represents the less-than-or-equal relationship of two :class:`revscoring.Feature` or constant values. """ CHAR = "<=" def operate(self, left, right): return left <= right
[docs]class eq(Comparison): """ Generates a feature that represents the equality of two :class:`revscoring.Feature` or constant values. """ CHAR = "==" def operate(self, left, right): return left == right
[docs]class ne(Comparison): """ Generates a feature that represents the inequality of two :class:`revscoring.Feature` or constant values. """ CHAR = "!=" def operate(self, left, right): return left != right
class and_(Comparison): """ Generates a feature that represents the conjunction of two :class:`revscoring.Feature` or constant values. """ CHAR = "and" def operate(self, left, right): return left and right class or_(Comparison): """ Generates a feature that represents the disjunction of two :class:`revscoring.Feature` or constant values. """ CHAR = "or" def operate(self, left, right): return left or right
[docs]class max(Modifier): """ Generates a feature that represents the maximum of a set of :class:`revscoring.Feature` or constant values. """ def __init__(self, *args, name=None): dependencies = [Feature.or_constant(arg) for arg in args] returns = float # Hardcoded even though max can return strings, it # shouldn't ever do that if name is None: name = "max({0})".format(", ".join( for f in dependencies)) super().__init__(name, self._process, returns=returns, depends_on=dependencies) def _process(self, *feature_values): return float(math_max(*feature_values))
[docs]class min(Modifier): """ Generates a feature that represents the minimum of a set of :class:`revscoring.Feature` or constant values. """ def __init__(self, *args, name=None): dependencies = [Feature.or_constant(arg) for arg in args] returns = float # Hardcoded even though max can return strings, it # shouldn't ever do that if name is None: name = "min({0})".format(", ".join( for f in dependencies)) super().__init__(name, self._process, returns=returns, depends_on=dependencies) def _process(self, *feature_values): return float(math_min(*feature_values))
[docs]class log(Modifier): """ Generates a feature that represents the log of a :class:`revscoring.Feature`'s value. """ def __init__(self, feature, name=None): feature = Feature.or_constant(feature) if name is None: name = "log({0})".format( super().__init__(name, self._process, returns=float, depends_on=[feature]) def _process(self, feature_value): return math_log(feature_value)
class not_(Modifier): """ Generates a feature that represents the negation of a :class:`revscoring.Feature`'s value. """ def __init__(self, feature, name=None): feature = Feature.or_constant(feature) if name is None: name = "not {0}".format( super().__init__(name, self._process, returns=bool, depends_on=[feature]) def _process(self, feature_value): return not feature_value