Source code for revscoring.scoring.models.model

All scoring models are an implementation of :class:`revscoring.Model`.

.. autoclass:: revscoring.scoring.models.Learned

.. autoclass:: revscoring.scoring.models.Classifier
import bz2
import logging
import pickle
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count

import yamlconf
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
from sklearn.preprocessing import RobustScaler

from ..environment import Environment
from ..model_info import ModelInfo

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Model: SCORE_SCHEMA = NotImplemented def __init__(self, features, version=None, environment=None, statistics=None, additional_info=None): """ A model used to score things :Parameters: features : `list`(`Feature`) A list of `Feature`s that the model expects to be provided. version : `str` A string describing the version of the model. """ logger.debug("Initializing Model with {0}".format(features)) self.features = tuple(features) self.params = {} self.version = version = ModelInfo() """ A :class:`revscoring.scoring.ModelInfo` instance that implements :func:`~revscoring.scoring.Model_Info.lookup` and :func:`~revscoring.scoring.Model_Info.format` -- both of which act as an index into information about a model. """['type'] = self.__class__.__name__['version'] = version['params'] = self.params for key, value in (additional_info or {}):[key] = value['environment'] = environment or Environment() if statistics is not None:['statistics'] = statistics
[docs] def score(self, feature_values): """ Make a prediction or otherwise use the model to generate a score. :Parameters: feature_values : collection(`mixed`) an ordered collection of values that correspond to the `Feature` s provided to the constructor :Returns: A `dict` of statistics """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def test(self, values_labels): """ Tests the model against a labeled data. :Parameters: values_labels : `iterable` (( `<feature_values>`, `<label>` )) an iterable of labeled data Where <values_labels> is an ordered collection of predictive values that correspond to the `Feature` s provided to the constructor :Returns: A dictionary of test results. """ # Score all of the observations score_labels = [(self.score(values), label) for values, label in values_labels] # Fit builtin statistics engine['statistics'].fit(score_labels) return['statistics']
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, f, error_on_env_check=False): """ Reads serialized model information from a file. """ if hasattr(f, 'buffer'): model = pickle.load(f.buffer) else: model = pickle.load(f)['environment'].check(raise_exception=error_on_env_check) return model
[docs] def dump(self, f): """ Writes serialized model information to a file. """ if hasattr(f, 'buffer'): return pickle.dump(self, f.buffer) else: return pickle.dump(self, f)
@classmethod def from_config(cls, config, name, section_key='scorer_models'): section = config[section_key][name] if 'module' in section: return yamlconf.import_module(section['module']) elif 'class' in section: class_path = section['class'] Class = yamlconf.import_module(class_path) if 'model_file' in section: # TODO: Cache the model file for reuse across workers? with open_file(section['model_file']) as stream: return Class.load(stream) else: return Class(**{k: v for k, v in section.items() if k != "class"})
def open_file(path): if path[-4:] == ".bz2" or path[-6:] == ".bzip2": return, 'rb') else: return open(path, 'rb')
[docs]class Learned(Model): def __init__(self, *args, scale=False, center=False, **kwargs): """ A machine learned model. Beyond :class:`revscoring.Model`, this "Learned" models implement :func:`` and :func:`~revscoring.scoring.models.Learned.cross_validate`. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.trained = None if scale or center: self.scaler = RobustScaler(with_centering=center, with_scaling=scale) else: self.scaler = None self.params.update({ 'scale': scale, 'center': center })
[docs] def train(self, values_labels): """ Fits the model using labeled data by learning its shape. :Parameters: values_labels : [( `<feature_values>`, `<label>` )] an iterable of labeled data Where <values_labels> is an ordered collection of predictive values that correspond to the :class:`revscoring.Feature` s provided to the constructor """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def fit_scaler_and_transform(self, fv_vectors): """ Fits the internal scale to labeled data. :Parameters: fv_vectors : `iterable` (( `<feature_values>`, `<label>` )) an iterable of labeled data Where <values_labels> is an ordered collection of predictive values that correspond to the `Feature` s provided to the constructor :Returns: A dictionary of model statistics. """ if self.scaler is not None: return self.scaler.fit_transform(fv_vectors) else: return fv_vectors
def apply_scaling(self, fv_vector): if self.scaler is not None: if not hasattr(self.scaler, "center_") and \ not hasattr(self.scaler, "scale_"): raise RuntimeError("Cannot scale a vector before " + "training the scaler") fv_vector = self.scaler.transform([fv_vector])[0] return fv_vector def _clean_copy(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def cross_validate(self, values_labels, folds=10, processes=1): """ Trains and tests the model agaists folds of labeled data. :Parameters: values_labels : [( `<feature_values>`, `<label>` )] an iterable of labeled data Where <values_labels> is an ordered collection of predictive values that correspond to the `Feature` s provided to the constructor folds : `int` When set to 1, cross-validation will run in the parent thread. When set to 2 or greater, a :class:`multiprocessing.Pool` will be created. """ folds_i = KFold(n_splits=folds, shuffle=True, random_state=0) if processes == 1: mapper = map else: pool = Pool(processes=processes or cpu_count()) mapper = results = mapper(self._cross_score, ((i, [values_labels[i] for i in train_i], [values_labels[i] for i in test_i]) for i, (train_i, test_i) in enumerate( folds_i.split(values_labels)))) agg_score_labels = [] for score_labels in results: agg_score_labels.extend(score_labels)['statistics'].fit(agg_score_labels) return['statistics']
def _cross_score(self, i_train_test): i, train_set, test_set = i_train_test"Performing cross-validation {0}...".format(i + 1)) model = self._clean_copy() logger.debug("Training cross-validation for {0}...".format(i + 1)) model.train(train_set) logger.debug("Scoring cross-validation for {0}...".format(i + 1)) feature_values, labels = map(list, zip(*test_set)) docs = model.score_many(feature_values) return list(zip(docs, labels))
[docs]class Classifier(Learned): def __init__(self, features, labels, multilabel=False, population_rates=None, **kwargs): self.labels = labels self.multilabel = multilabel self.population_rates = population_rates super().__init__(features, **kwargs) self.params.update({ 'labels': labels, 'multilabel': multilabel, 'population_rates': population_rates })