Source code for revscoring.scoring.models.sklearn

Implements the basics of all sklearn based models.

.. autoclass:: revscoring.scoring.models.sklearn.Classifier

.. autoclass:: revscoring.scoring.models.sklearn.ProbabilityClassifier
import json
import logging
import time

import numpy as np

from ...features import vectorize_values
from ..labels import Binarizer, ClassVerifier
from ..statistics import Classification
from . import model, util

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Classifier(model.Classifier): Estimator = NotImplemented SUPPORTS_CLASSWEIGHT = False BASE_PARAMS = {} def __init__(self, features, labels, multilabel=False, version=None, label_weights=None, population_rates=None, scale=False, center=False, statistics=None, estimator=None, **estimator_params): statistics = statistics if statistics is not None else Classification( labels, multilabel=multilabel, prediction_key="prediction", population_rates=population_rates) super().__init__( features, labels, multilabel=multilabel, version=version, population_rates=population_rates, scale=scale, center=center, statistics=statistics)['score_schema'] = self.build_schema() # Initialize the label preprocessor if self.multilabel: self.label_normalizer = Binarizer(self.labels) else: self.label_normalizer = ClassVerifier(self.labels) self.estimator_params = {} # Set label weights as class weights if given self.label_weights = label_weights if self.label_weights is not None and self.SUPPORTS_CLASSWEIGHT: # normalize label weights and apply it as an estimator parameter self.estimator_params['class_weight'] = \ self.label_normalizer.normalize_weights(label_weights) if estimator is None: params = dict(self.BASE_PARAMS) params.update(estimator_params) self.estimator_params.update(params) self.estimator = self.Estimator(**params) else: self.estimator = estimator self.estimator_params = estimator.get_params() self.params.update(self.estimator.get_params()) if self.multilabel: # The collection of estimators per label. Each entry in this # collection is a tuple of (label, estimator) self.estimators = [] for idx, label in enumerate(labels): params = self.estimator_params.copy() # class_weight will be set above if supported if 'class_weight' in params: params['class_weight'] = params['class_weight'][idx] self.estimators.append((label, self.Estimator(**params))) self.params.update({'label_weights': label_weights}) def _clean_copy(self): cls = self.__class__ kwargs = dict(self.estimator_params) kwargs.update(self.params) return cls(self.features, version=self.version, **kwargs) def preprocess(self, values_labels): values, labels = zip(*values_labels) # Check that all labels exist in our expected label set and that all # expected labels are represented. normalized_labels = \ self.label_normalizer.check_consistency_and_normalize(labels) # Re-vectorize features -- this expands/flattens sub-FeatureVectors fv_vectors = [vectorize_values(fv) for fv in values] # Scale and transform (if applicable) scaled_fv_vectors = self.fit_scaler_and_transform(fv_vectors) fit_kwargs = {} if self.label_weights and not self.SUPPORTS_CLASSWEIGHT: # Note that, when class weight is supported, that's handle as a # hyper parameter on the estimator. fit_kwargs['sample_weight'] = [ self.label_weights.get(l, 1) for l in labels] return scaled_fv_vectors, normalized_labels, fit_kwargs
[docs] def train(self, values_labels, **kwargs): """ Fits the internal model to the provided `values_labels`. :Returns: A dictionary with the fields: * seconds_elapsed -- Time in seconds spent fitting the model """"Training {0} with {1} observations" .format(self.__class__.__name__, len(values_labels))) start = time.time() scaled_fv_vectors, normalized_labels, fit_kwargs = \ self.preprocess(values_labels) # fit the esitimator if self.multilabel: normalized_labels = np.array(normalized_labels) # fit the esitimators for idx, estimator in enumerate(self.estimators): estimator[1].fit(scaled_fv_vectors, normalized_labels[:, idx], **fit_kwargs) else:, normalized_labels, **fit_kwargs) self.trained = time.time() return {'seconds_elapsed': time.time() - start}
[docs] def score(self, feature_values): """ Generates a score for a single revision based on a set of extracted feature_values. :Parameters: feature_values : collection(`mixed`) an ordered collection of values that correspond to the `Feature` s provided to the constructor :Returns: A dict with the fields: * prediction -- The most likely class """ fv_vector = vectorize_values(feature_values) scaled_fv_vector = self.apply_scaling(fv_vector) prediction = [] if self.multilabel: for _, estimator in self.estimators: prediction.append(estimator.predict([scaled_fv_vector])[0]) prediction = self.label_normalizer.denormalize(prediction) else: prediction = self.label_normalizer.denormalize( self.estimator.predict([scaled_fv_vector])[0]) doc = {'prediction': prediction} return util.normalize_json(doc)
[docs] def score_many(self, feature_values): """ Generates a score for a bunch of revisions based on a set of extracted feature_values. :Parameters: feature_values : collection(`mixed`) an ordered collection of values that correspond to the `Feature` s provided to the constructor :Returns: A dict with the fields: * prediction -- The most likely class """ # Re-vectorize features -- this expands/flattens sub-FeatureVectors fv_vectors = [vectorize_values(fv) for fv in feature_values] # Scale and transform (if applicable) scaled_fv_vectors = self.fit_scaler_and_transform(fv_vectors) predictions = [] docs = [] if self.multilabel: for _, estimator in self.estimators: predictions.append(estimator.predict(scaled_fv_vectors)) predictions = np.transpose(np.array(predictions)) else: predictions = self.estimator.predict(scaled_fv_vectors) for pred in predictions: doc = {'prediction': self.label_normalizer.denormalize(pred)} docs.append(util.normalize_json(doc)) return docs
def build_schema(self): if not self.multilabel: prediction_type = { 'description': "The most likely label predicted by " + "the estimator", 'type': labels2json_type(self.labels) } else: prediction_type = { 'description': "The most likely labels predicted by " + "the estimator", 'type': "array", 'items': { 'type': labels2json_type(self.labels) } } return { 'title': "Scikit learn-based classifier score with " + "probability", 'type': "object", 'properties': { 'prediction': prediction_type } }
[docs]class ProbabilityClassifier(Classifier): def __init__(self, features, labels, multilabel=False, statistics=None, population_rates=None, threshold_ndigits=None, **kwargs): statistics = statistics if statistics is not None else Classification( labels, multilabel=multilabel, prediction_key="prediction", decision_key="probability", threshold_ndigits=threshold_ndigits or 3, population_rates=population_rates) super().__init__(features, labels, multilabel=multilabel, statistics=statistics, **kwargs)
[docs] def score(self, feature_values): """ Generates a score for a single revision based on a set of extracted feature_values. :Parameters: feature_values : collection(`mixed`) an ordered collection of values that correspond to the `Feature` s provided to the constructor :Returns: A dict with the fields: * prediction -- The most likely class * probability -- A mapping of probabilities for input classes corresponding to the classes the classifier was trained on. Generating this probability is slower than a simple prediction. """ fv_vector = vectorize_values(feature_values) scaled_fv_vector = self.apply_scaling(fv_vector) prediction, probas, probability = [], [], [] if self.multilabel: for _, estimator in self.estimators: prediction.append(estimator.predict([scaled_fv_vector])[0]) probas.append( estimator.predict_proba([scaled_fv_vector])[0][1]) prediction = self.label_normalizer.denormalize(prediction) labels = self.labels probability = {label: proba for label, proba in zip(labels, probas)} else: prediction = self.label_normalizer.denormalize( self.estimator.predict([scaled_fv_vector])[0]) labels = self.estimator.classes_ probas = self.estimator.predict_proba([scaled_fv_vector])[0] probability = {label: proba for label, proba in zip(labels, probas)} doc = {'prediction': prediction, 'probability': probability} return util.normalize_json(doc)
[docs] def score_many(self, feature_values): """ Generates a score for a bunch of revisions based on a set of extracted feature_values. :Parameters: feature_values : array(collection(`mixed`)) an ordered collection of values that correspond to the `Feature` s provided to the constructor :Returns: A dict with the fields: * prediction -- The most likely class * probability -- A mapping of probabilities for input classes corresponding to the classes the classifier was trained on. Generating this probability is slower than a simple prediction. """ # Re-vectorize features -- this expands/flattens sub-FeatureVectors fv_vectors = [vectorize_values(fv) for fv in feature_values] # Scale and transform (if applicable) scaled_fv_vectors = self.fit_scaler_and_transform(fv_vectors) predictions, probabilities = [], [] docs = [] if self.multilabel: for _, estimator in self.estimators: predictions.append(estimator.predict(scaled_fv_vectors)) all_probabilities = estimator.predict_proba(scaled_fv_vectors) positive_probabilities = [prob[1] for prob in all_probabilities] probabilities.append(positive_probabilities) # This converts probability matrix to [n_samples, n_labels] for # ease of iteration predictions = np.transpose(np.array(predictions)) prob_matrix = np.transpose(np.array(probabilities)) probabilities = [] labels = self.labels for prob in prob_matrix: probabilities.append({label: prob for label, prob in zip(labels, prob)}) else: predictions = self.estimator.predict(scaled_fv_vectors) labels = self.estimator.classes_ probas = self.estimator.predict_proba(scaled_fv_vectors) for prob in probas: probabilities.append({label: prob for label, prob in zip(labels, prob)}) for pred, prob in zip(predictions, probabilities): preds = self.label_normalizer.denormalize(pred) doc = {'prediction': preds, 'probability': prob} docs.append(util.normalize_json(doc)) return docs
def build_schema(self): schema_doc = super().build_schema() schema_doc['properties']['probability'] = { 'description': "A mapping of probabilities onto " + "each of the potential output labels", 'type': "object", 'properties': json.loads(json.dumps( {l: {"type": "number"} for l in self.labels})) } return schema_doc
def labels2json_type(labels): unique_json_types = set(label2json_type(l) for l in labels) if len(unique_json_types) == 1: return unique_json_types.pop() else: return list(sorted(unique_json_types)) def label2json_type(val): if type(val) in (int, float): return 'number' elif isinstance(val, str): return 'string' elif isinstance(val, bool): return 'boolean' else: raise ValueError( "{0} of type {1} can't be interpereted as a JSON type.".format( val, type(val)))