Source code for revscoring.scoring.statistics.classification.scaled_threshold_statistics

from itertools import groupby

from numpy import all, diff, interp, isnan, linspace
from sklearn.metrics import auc
from tabulate import tabulate

from ... import util
from .scaled_prediction_statistics import ScaledPredictionStatistics
from .threshold_optimization import ThresholdOptimization

[docs]class ScaledThresholdStatistics(list): FIELDS = ['roc_auc', 'pr_auc'] def __init__(self, y_decisions, y_trues, population_rate=None, threshold_ndigits=None): """ Construct a sequence of ThresholdStatistics :Parameters: y_decisions : [ `float` ] A sequence of decision-weights that represent confidence in a target class prediction y_trues : [ `bool` ] A sequence of labels where `True` represents a positive observation. population_rate : `float` The rate at which the observed class appears in the population. This value will be used to re-scale the number of y_trues across all metrics. threshold_ndigits : `int` If set, round the threshold by this many decimals to compress threshold statistics information. """ # noqa super().__init__() if population_rate is None: self.trues = sum(y_trues) else: n_true = sum(y_trues) observed_rate = n_true / len(y_trues) self.trues = sum(y_trues) * (population_rate / observed_rate) if threshold_ndigits is not None: y_decisions = [util.round(d, threshold_ndigits) for d in y_decisions] threshold_groups = groupby( sorted((y_d, y_t) for y_d, y_t in zip(y_decisions, y_trues)), key=lambda p: p[0]) tp, fp, tn, fn = sum(y_trues), sum(not t for t in y_trues), 0, 0 for threshold, group in threshold_groups: sps = ScaledPredictionStatistics( counts=(tp, fp, tn, fn), population_rate=population_rate) self.append((threshold, sps)) for _, y_true in group: tp -= y_true fp -= not y_true tn += not y_true fn += y_true def roc_auc(self): return zero_to_one_auc([stat.fpr() for t, stat in self], [stat.recall() for t, stat in self]) def pr_auc(self): return zero_to_one_auc( [stat.recall() for t, stat in self if None not in (stat.recall(), stat.precision())], [stat.precision() for t, stat in self if None not in (stat.recall(), stat.precision())]) def __getitem__(self, field): if field in self.FIELDS: method_name = field.replace("!", "_") return getattr(self, method_name)() elif isinstance(field, int): return super.__getitem__(field) else: if isinstance(field, ThresholdOptimization): optimization = field else: try: optimization = ThresholdOptimization.parse(field) except ValueError: raise KeyError(field) return optimization.optimize_from(self) def format_str(self, path_tree, ndigits=3, threshold_ndigits=5, **kwargs): table_data = [] if len(path_tree) == 0: def key_func(t_pstats): return util.round(t_pstats[0], threshold_ndigits) for threshold, t_pstats in groupby(self, key=key_func): _, pstats = next(t_pstats) # Get the first item in the group table_data.append( [util.round(threshold, threshold_ndigits)] + [util.round(pstats[field], ndigits) for field in ScaledPredictionStatistics.FIELDS]) sum(1 for _ in t_pstats) # Clear the group return tabulate( table_data, headers=['threshold'] + ScaledPredictionStatistics.FIELDS) else: formatted = "" for key in path_tree: opt = ThresholdOptimization.parse(key) threshold_tstats = opt.get_optimal(self) if threshold_tstats is None: formatted += "{0} @ n/a\n".format(opt) else: threshold, tstats = threshold_tstats formatted += "{0} @ {1}\n".format( opt, util.round(threshold, threshold_ndigits)) formatted += util.tab_it_in( tstats.format_str({}, ndigits=3, **kwargs)) return formatted def format_json(self, path_tree, ndigits=3, threshold_ndigits=5, **kwargs): doc = [] if len(path_tree) == 0: def key_func(t_pstats): return util.round(t_pstats[0], threshold_ndigits) for rounded_threshold, t_pstats in groupby(self, key=key_func): _, pstats = next(t_pstats) # Get the first item in the group pstats_doc = pstats.format_json({}, ndigits=3, **kwargs) pstats_doc['threshold'] = rounded_threshold pstats_doc.move_to_end('threshold', last=False) doc.append(pstats_doc) sum(1 for _ in t_pstats) # Clear the group else: for key in path_tree: opt = ThresholdOptimization.parse(key) threshold_tstats = opt.get_optimal(self) if threshold_tstats is None: doc.append(None) else: threshold, tstats = threshold_tstats tstats_doc = tstats.format_json( path_tree[key], ndigits=3, **kwargs) tstats_doc['threshold'] = threshold tstats_doc.move_to_end('threshold', last=False) doc.append(tstats_doc) return doc
def zero_to_one_auc(x_vals, y_vals): x_space = linspace(0, 1, 50) if all(diff(x_vals) > 0): y_interp = interp(x_space, x_vals, y_vals) else: y_interp = interp( x_space, list(reversed(x_vals)), list(reversed(y_vals))) val = auc(x_space, y_interp) if isnan(val): return None else: return val