Source code for revscoring.languages.features.regex_matches.regex_matches

from . import datasources, features
from ....dependencies import DependentSet
from ....features import wikitext

[docs]class RegexMatches(DependentSet): """ :Parameters: name : `str` A name for the collection regexes : `list` ( `str` ) A list of regex patterns to match. exclusions : `list` ( `str` ) A list of terms to explicitly not match wrapping : `tuple` ( `str`, `str` ) Insert these characters around matches in the regular expression """ def __init__(self, name, regexes, exclusions=None, wrapping=(r'\b', r'\b'), text_preprocess=None): super().__init__(name) self._regexes = regexes self._exclusions = exclusions self._wrapping = wrapping self.revision = features.Revision( name + ".revision", regexes, datasources.Revision( name + ".revision", regexes, wikitext.revision.datasources, exclusions=exclusions, wrapping=wrapping, text_preprocess=text_preprocess ) ) """ :class:`~revscoring.languages.features.regex_matches.Revision` : The base revision feature set. """
[docs] def excluding(self, exclusions, name=None): """ Returns a new :class:`~revscoring.languages.features.RegexMatches` that includes a set of exclusions. :Parameters: exclusions : `list` ( `str` ) A list of terms to explicitly not match name : `str` A new name for the collection. If unspecified, the old name will be used """ return self.__class__( name or self._name + ".excluding({0!r})".format(exclusions), self._regexes, exclusions=(self._exclusions or []) + exclusions, wrapping=self._wrapping)