

Implements a feature set based off of dictionary lookup.

class revscoring.languages.features.Dictionary(name, dictionary_check)[source]
name : str

A name for the collection

dictionary_check : func

A function that, given a word, performs a dictionary check and returns True if the word exists.

revision = None

Revision : The base revision feature set.

Supporting classes

class revscoring.languages.features.dictionary.Revision(name, revision_datasources)[source]
dict_words = None

int : A count of the number of dictionary words in the revision

non_dict_words = None

int : A count of the number of non-dictionary words in the revision

parent = None

Revision : The parent revision

diff = None

Diff : The diff between the parent and current revision.

class revscoring.languages.features.dictionary.Diff(name, diff_datasources)[source]
dict_words_added = None

int : A count of the number of dictionary words added

dict_words_removed = None

int : A count of the number of dictionary words removed

non_dict_words_added = None

int : A count of the number of non-dictionary words added

non_dict_words_removed = None

int : A count of the number of non-dictionary words removed

dict_word_delta_sum = None

int : The sum of word frequency deltas for dictionary words

dict_word_delta_increase = None

int : The sum of word frequency delta increases for dictionary words

dict_word_delta_decrease = None

int : The sum of word frequency delta decreases for dictionary words

non_dict_word_delta_sum = None

int : The sum of word frequency deltas for non-dictionary words

non_dict_word_delta_increase = None

int : The sum of word frequency delta increases for non-dictionary words

non_dict_word_delta_decrease = None

int : The sum of word frequency delta decreases for non-dictionary words

dict_word_prop_delta_sum = None

float : The sum of word frequency proportional delta for dictionary words

dict_word_prop_delta_increase = None

float : The sum of word frequency proportional delta increases for dictionary words

dict_word_prop_delta_decrease = None

float : The sum of word frequency proportional delta decreases for dictionary words

non_dict_word_prop_delta_sum = None

float : The sum of word frequency proportional delta for non-dictionary words

non_dict_word_prop_delta_increase = None

float : The sum of word frequency proportional delta increase for non-dictionary words

non_dict_word_prop_delta_decrease = None

float : The sum of word frequency proportional delta decrease for non-dictionary words


Implements a feature set based off of a set of regexes applied to strings.

class revscoring.languages.features.RegexMatches(name, regexes, exclusions=None, wrapping=('\b', '\b'), text_preprocess=None)[source]
name : str

A name for the collection

regexes : list ( str )

A list of regex patterns to match.

exclusions : list ( str )

A list of terms to explicitly not match

wrapping : tuple ( str, str )

Insert these characters around matches in the regular expression

revision = None

Revision : The base revision feature set.

excluding(exclusions, name=None)[source]

Returns a new RegexMatches that includes a set of exclusions.

exclusions : list ( str )

A list of terms to explicitly not match

name : str

A new name for the collection. If unspecified, the old name will be used

Supporting classes

class revscoring.languages.features.regex_matches.Revision(name, regexes, revision_datasources)[source]
matches = None

int : A count of the number of matches found in the text

parent = None

Revision : The parent revision

diff = None

Diff : The difference made by this revision

class revscoring.languages.features.regex_matches.Diff(name, regexes, diff_datasources)[source]
matches_added = None

int : The number of matches added in the edit

matches_removed = None

int : The number of matches removed in the edit

match_delta_sum = None

int : The sum of frequency delta for matched strings

match_delta_increase = None

int : The sum of frequency delta increases for matched strings

match_delta_decrease = None

int : The sum of frequency delta decreases for matched strings

match_prop_delta_sum = None

int : The sum of proportional frequency delta for matched strings

match_prop_delta_increase = None

int : The sum of proportional frequency delta increases for matched strings

match_prop_delta_decrease = None

int : The sum of proportional frequency delta decreases for matched strings


Implements a feature set based off of filtering words for stopwords

class revscoring.languages.features.Stopwords(name, stopword_set)[source]
name : str

A name for the collection

stopword_set : set ( str )

A set of stopwords

revision = None

Revision : The base revision feature set.

Supporting classes

class revscoring.languages.features.stopwords.Revision(name, revision_datasources)[source]
stopwords = None

int : A count of the number of stopwords in the content

non_stopwords = None

int : A count of the number of non-stopwords in the content

parent = None

Revision : The parent revision

diff = None

Diff : The parent revision

class revscoring.languages.features.stopwords.Diff(name, diff_datasources)[source]
stopwords_added = None

int : A count of stopwords added

stopwords_removed = None

int : A count of stopwords removed

non_stopwords_added = None

int : A count of non-stopwords added

non_stopwords_removed = None

int : A count of non-stopwords removed

stopword_delta_sum = None

int : The sum of word frequency deltas for stopwords

stopword_delta_increase = None

int : The sum of word frequency delta increases for stopwords

stopword_delta_decrease = None

int : The sum of word frequency delta decreases for stopwords

non_stopword_delta_sum = None

int : The sum of word frequency deltas for non-stopwords

non_stopword_delta_increase = None

int : The sum of word frequency delta increases for non-stopwords

non_stopword_delta_decrease = None

int : The sum of word frequency delta decreases for non-stopwords

stopword_prop_delta_sum = None

float : The sum of proportional word frequency deltas for stopwords

stopword_prop_delta_increase = None

float : The sum of proportional word frequency delta increases for stopwords

stopword_prop_delta_decrease = None

float : The sum of proportional word frequency delta decreases for stopwords

non_stopword_prop_delta_sum = None

float : The sum of proportional word frequency deltas for non-stopwords

non_stopword_prop_delta_increase = None

float : The sum of proportional word frequency delta increases for non-stopwords

non_stopword_prop_delta_decrease = None

float : The sum of proportional word frequency delta decreases for non-stopwords


Implements a feature set based off of stemmer applied to words.

class revscoring.languages.features.Stemmed(name, stem_word)[source]
name : str

A name for the collection

stem_word : func

A function that, give a word, will return a stemmed version of that word

revision = None

Revision : The base revision feature set.

Supporting classes

class revscoring.languages.features.stemmed.Revision(name, revision_datasources)[source]
unique_stems = None

int : A count of unique stemmed words.

stem_chars = None

int : A count of characters in stemmed words.

parent = None

Revision : The parent revision

diff = None

Diff : The diff between the parent and current revision.

class revscoring.languages.features.stemmed.Diff(name, diff_datasources)[source]
stem_delta_sum = None

int : The sum of frequency deltas for stemmed words

stem_delta_increase = None

int : The sum of frequency delta increases for stemmed words

stem_delta_decrease = None

int : The sum of frequency delta decreases for stemmed words

stem_prop_delta_sum = None

int : The sum of proportional frequency deltas for stemmed words

stem_prop_delta_increase = None

int : The sum of proportional frequency delta increases for stemmed words

stem_prop_delta_decrease = None

int : The sum of proportional frequency delta decreases for stemmed words